Drama Romance
The unconventional life of Dr. William Marston, the Harvard psychologist and inventor who helped invent the modern lie detector test and created Wonder Woman in 1941.
Directed by
Angela Robinson
Written by
Angela Robinson
Rebecca Hall
Elizabeth Marston
Luke Evans
Dr. William Moulton Marston
Connie Britton
Josette Frank
Oliver Platt
M.C. Gaines
Amy Redford
Tom Kemp
Harry Peter
Alexa Havins
Molly Stewart
Bella Heathcote
Olive Byrne
Monica Giordano
JJ Feild
Charles Guyette
Maggie Castle
Dorothy Roubicek
Jared Reinfeldt
Flirting Harvard Student (uncredited)
Frank Ridley
Allie Gallerani
Larry Eudene
Christopher Paul Richards
Teen Donn
Ken Cheeseman
Dean Liddy
Chris Conroy
Brant Gregory
Clara McKay
Radcliffe Student
Joe Cali
Forry Buckingham
Sebastian Wood
Teen Son
Pamela Figueiredo
Radcliffe Student
Allie Marshall
Senior Sorority Sister
Acei Martin
Radcliffe Student / Sorority Sister
Olivia Filleti
Radcliffe Student
Lexie Roth
Theatre Student
London Hall
Logan Raposo
College Student
Kristen Anne Ferraro
Hospital Visitor
Shawn Contois
Comic Book Artist
Jessica Rockwood
Bondage Class Student
Douglas Cowell
Comic Book Artist
Ally Looney
Anthony Pelton
Kasey Murray
Olive Ann Marston
Melissa Jalali
Sorority Sister
James L. Leite
Comic Book Artist
Caitlin Batts
Comic Reading Girl
Lily Gordenstein
Olive Ann - 12 Year Old
Gavin Earle
Comic Book Kid (uncredited)
Ryan Canale
Comic Book Kid
Zada Clarke
Sorority Sister
Stevie Costa
Katie Hanley
College Student
Quinn Earle
Comic Book Girl
Paul Taft
Elizabeth's Boss
Bill Nabel
Erika Spinale
Radcliffe Sorority Sister
Alexa Cahill
Freshman Pledge
Bobby Kenney
Ilena Love
College Student
Jamie Mazareas
Comic Book Artist
Abigail Wurster
Radcliffe Sorority Pledge

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