Drama Romance
Svetlana Vasilievna is a young, energetic woman who often changes jobs, accustomed to achieving the goals that she has set for herself in life. Her next desire is to marry a "creative, intelligent" person. After a lengthy search, she chose an elderly, but well-mannered, intelligent official Vladimir Dmitrievich Lobanov. Svetlana believes that with the help of connections and sober calculation, you can achieve everything: well-being, respectability, even personal happiness. She does not notice that the fulfillment of her desires does not at all make the person close to her happy. The payback turns out to be unexpected and terrible.
Directed by
Yuli Raizman
Anatoli Papanov
Vladimir Dmitrievich
Vera Alentova
Svetlana Vasilievna
Vladimir Antonik
Eduard Izotov
Oleg Ivanovich (uncredited)
Vladislav Strzhelchik
Nikolai Nikolayevich
Boris Ivanov
Andrei Sergeyevich
Aleksey Mikhaylov
Antonina Konchakova
Larisa Nikolayevna
Stanislav Zhitaryov
Valentina Ushakova
Elderly Apartment's Owner
Vadim Grachov
Apartment's Exchanger
Sergei Golovanov
Elderly Apartment's Owner
Lyudmila Stoyanova
Zoya Stepanova
Andrei Sergeyevich's Wife
Tina Gurko
Valentina Petrovna
Mariya Kremnyova

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