Comedy Drama Romance
Nick Hart is a struggling American artist who lives amongst the expatriate community in 1920s Paris. He spends most of his time drinking and socializing in local café's and pestering gallery owner Libby Valentin to sell his paintings. He becomes involved in a plot by wealthy art patroness Nathalie de Ville to forge three paintings. This leads to several run-ins with American rubber magnate Bertram Stone, who happens to be married to Hart's ex-wife Rachel.
Directed by
Alan Rudolph
Written by
Alan Rudolph, John Bradshaw
Wallace Shawn
Keith Carradine
Nick Hart
Geraldine Chaplin
Nathalie de Ville
Geneviève Bujold
Libby Valentin
Brooke Smith
Gailard Sartain
New York Critic
Normand Brathwaite
Butler Laloux
Timothy Webber
Stone's Business Associate
Kevin J. O'Connor
Linda Fiorentino
Rachel Stone
John Lone
Bertram Stone
Lenie Scoffié
Femme de Lettres: Group Montparno
Elsa Raven
Gertrude Stein
Marcel Girard
Nathalie's Chauffeur
Pierre Chagnon
Stone's Bodyguard #1
Michael Rudder
Buffy: Group Montparno
Reynald Bouchard
Chapelle: Group Montparno
Stephanie Biddle
Fille de Nuit
Éric Gaudry
Stone's Bodyguard #2
Didier Hoffmann
Paul Buissonneau
Alexandre: Group Montparno
Jean-Jacques Desjardins
Hart's Concierge
Charles Biddle Sr.
Charlie the Bass Player
Ali Giron
Alice B. Toklas
Michael Wilson
Surrealist Poet
Véronique Bellegarde
Isabel Serra
David Stein
Art Critic
Hubert Loiselle
Art Critic
Meegan Lee Ochs
Marthe Turgeon
Rose Selavy
Mance Edmond
Flora Balzano
Pia Delarue: Group Montparno
Beverly Murray
Eve: Group Montparno
Renee Lee
Chanteuse: Group Montparno
Glenn Bradley
Ada Fuoco
Harry Hill
Mr. Brown
Danielle Schneider
Fille de Nuit
Louis Pharand
Daniel Bloch
M. Raymond
Julien Carletti
Cafe Moderne Waiter

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