Drama Comedy
Thirty years after serving together in the Vietnam War, Larry, Sal and Richard, reunite for a different type of mission: to bury Doc's son, a young Marine killed in Iraq. Forgoing the burial, the trio take the casket on a bittersweet trip up the coast to New Hampshire - along the way, reminiscing and coming to terms with the shared memories of a war that continues to shape their lives.
Directed by
Richard Linklater
Bryan Cranston
Sal Nealon
Laurence Fishburne
Reverend Richard Mueller
Steve Carell
Larry 'Doc' Shepherd
Yul Vazquez
Lieutenant Colonel Wilits
Cicely Tyson
Mrs. Hightower
Kate Easton
Phone Shop Clerk
Jeff Monahan
Richard Robichaux
Samuel Davis
Larry Jr. (voice)
Brian 'Wolfman Black' Bowman
Church Member (uncredited)
Chris Dettone
Train Passenger (uncredited)
J. Quinton Johnson
Charlie Washington
Jane Mowder
Rental Truck Employee
Richard Barlow
Angry Father
Daniel James
Cellphone Store Patron (uncredited)
Deanna Reed-Foster
Ruth Mueller
John W. Iwanonkiw
J Tinsley Amtrak Baggage Handler (uncredited)
Wain Jenkins
Choir Member (uncredited)
Chris Drexel
Bar Patron (uncredited)
William Kania
Train Passenger Toting Gifts (uncredited)
Graham Wolfe
John Redman
Dontez James
DAFB Guard
Tammy Tsai
Mother (Irene)
Cathy O'Dell
Grieving Mother
Jerry Lee Tucker
Marc Moore
Hyped-up Employee
Sarah Silk
Front Desk Motel Employee
Ted Watts Jr.
Lee Harrington
Kelli Culbertson
Bar Patron (uncredited)
Eric Frank
Bar Patron Guy in Booth (uncredited)
Adam Hicks
Marine (uncredited)
Trudi Kennedy
Train Passenger (uncredited)
Daniel Lamont
Bar Patron (uncredited)
James Lloyd
Bar Patron (uncredited)
Tiffany Sander McKenzie
Bar Patron (uncredited)
Kelly L. Moran
Angry Train Passenger (uncredited)
Christopher Nardizzi
Train Passenger (uncredited)
Phil Nardozzi
Bus Passenger (uncredited)
Rebecca Phipps
Mourner (uncredited)
Dwayne Pintoff
Train Passenger (uncredited)
Sofia Plass
Church Member (uncredited)
Eric Rasmussen
Driver (uncredited)
Mario Ruiz
Senior Airman Morris (uncredited)
Brian E Stead
Amtrak Passenger (uncredited)
Gary Lee Vincent
Train Passenger (uncredited)
Zoe Xandra
Funeral Attendee (uncredited)

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