Crime Drama Thriller Mystery
Donald Strachey is a gay private investigator who learns of a local school's decision to chastise a lesbian teacher for speaking openly about her sexuality. Discovering that her home has been vandalized, Donald starts to look into things and discovers there is more going on than appears on the surface.
Directed by
Ron Oliver
Written by
Gillian Horvath, Ron McGee
Nelson Wong
Kenny Kwon
Margot Kidder
Barclay Hope
Carl Deems
Gabrielle Rose
Damon Runyan
Andrew McWhirter
Ralph Alderman
Sheriff Reg Howard
David Orth
Peter Garritty
Sebastian Spence
Tim Callahan
Kerry James
Joey Deems
Daryl Shuttleworth
Detective Bailey
Chad Allen
Donald Strachey
William MacDonald
Jonas Baskin
Lori Triolo
Gina Santer
Keegan MacIntosh
Derek Baskin

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