Crime Drama
Based on a manga written by Tatsuhiko Yamagami, the story is set in a former seaport town Uobuka, where 6 former criminals were sent to live there by the government, with the intention of re-socialising them. Aside from the few who know about the project, the general townsfolk has no idea of the former convicts' identities. Tsukisue is the pleasant and efficient municipal official put in charge of the programme. As he slowly learns about their past, a body is discovered.
Directed by
Daihachi Yoshida
Written by
Masahito Kagawa
Fumino Kimura
Aya Ishida
Yoshihiko Hosoda
Shota Tashiro
Kazuki Kitamura
Masashi Sugiyama
Ryo Nishikido
Hajime Tsukisue
Yohta Kawase
Rieko Ōta
Min Tanaka
Katsumi Ōno
Mikako Ichikawa
Kiyomi Kurimoto
Ryuhei Matsuda
Ichirō Miyakoshi
Tamae Ando
Tokiko Naito
Satoru Matsuo
Isao Sudo
Miyako Yamaguchi
Taeko Shimura
Toshiyuki Kitami
Ryosuke Getsumatsu
Shingo Mizusawa
Hiroki Fukumoto
Sanshō Shinsui
Atsushi Meguro
Tsuyoshi Nakano
Yuji Nakamura
Tatsuo Amenomori
Masatoshi Kihara
Kazunari Murakami
Shinsuke Suzuki
Ryosaku Kamisaki
Ryujin Suzuki

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