Action Sci-Fi Adventure
The film consists of re-edited material from the original television series Ultraman. Episodes 1, 8, 26, and 27 were used for the film. They were narrated by Hikari Urano as an "Ultraman Documentary". Allegedly only one new scene was shot, and that some parts of the movie where shot in black and white for unknown reasons. The movie screened at the same time as the Toho movie King Kong Escapes.
Directed by
Hajime Tsuburaya, Eiji Tsuburaya
Written by
Mamoru Sasaki
Akihiko Hirata
Professor Iwamoto
Hiroko Sakurai
Akiko Fuji
Susumu Kurobe
Shin Hayata
Akiji Kobayashi
Capt. Toshio Muramatsu
Kotaro Tomita
Professor Nakatani
Bin Furuya
The original Ultraman
Masaya Nihei
Mitsuhiro Ide
Sandayuu Dokumamushi
Daisuke Arashi
Chiharu Inayoshi
Osamu Suzuki
Asao Matsumoto
Teruo Aragaki
Red King (kaiju)
Kunio Suzuki
Gomora (kaiju)

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