Romance Drama
The films spans two decades as the story unfolds in a series of flashbacks that begin when Qiyue and Ansheng were just thirteen. The two became inseparable until they met a boy who ended up tearing their lives apart.
Directed by
Derek Tsang Kwok-Cheung
Written by
Li Yuan, Lam Wing-Sum, Xu Yimeng, Wu Nan
Zhou Dongyu
Li Ansheng
Ma Sichun
Lin Qiyue
Derek Tsang Kwok-Cheung
Toby Lee
Su Jiaming
Li Ping
Qiyue's Mother
Cai Gang
Qiyue's Father
Liu Beige
Jiaming's Colleague
Li Haofang
Xiao Ansheng
Cindy Yao
Young Lin Qiyue

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