Comedy Drama
An academic obsessed with "roadside attractions" and his tv-star daughter finally discover the world's largest ice cream cone, the centerpiece for an old gold-rush town struggling to stay on the map. They end up staying longer than expected because of an accident that spilled an unknown cola ingredient all over the highway. They spend the next few days with the various residents of the town which include a teenage girl who loves to blow things up and a boy trying to keep alive his fathers dream of building a beachside resort in the middle of the desert.
Directed by
Morgan J. Freeman
Written by
Morgan J. Freeman
Liev Schreiber
Mickey Moonday (voice)
Christina Ricci
Ely Jackson
Peter Sarsgaard
Billy Baxter
Kate Hudson
Skye Davidson
Casey Affleck
Pete Kepler
Sara Gilbert
Michael Ironside
Agent Frank Bellows
Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor
Agent Summers
John Heard
Prof. Lance Davidson
Ethan Suplee
Lucinda Jenney
Caroline Baxter
Brendan Sexton III
Blue Baxter
Daniel von Bargen
Sheriff Jackson
Leanna Creel
Fred Schneider
KBLU Radio DJ (voice)
Isidra Vega
Haley Gordon
Richmond Arquette
Truck Driver
Rene Rivera
Dr. Gordon
Lee Holmes
Deputy Keeler
Adam Seth Nelson

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