Animation Adventure Action Sci-Fi
It's summer vacation! In front of Ginga and Co, who are excited about a Beyblade tournament, Helios, a mysterious youth, stands in their way. In his hands, he possesses "Sol Blaze", a Beyblade that has been passed down since ancient times. As the intense battle between Ginga vs. Helios unfolds, extreme weather develops throughout the world.
Directed by
Kunihisa Sugishima, Yoshinori Odaka
Written by
Katsumi Hasegawa
Kaori Nazuka
Yu Tendo (voice)
Emiri Kato
Kenta Yumiya (voice)
Satoshi Hino
Kyoya Tategami (voice)
Yuko Sanpei
Masamune Kadoya (voice)
Tessyo Genda
Bakin (voice)
Hozumi Goda
Hokuto (voice)
Marina Inoue
Hikaru Hasama (voice)
Tomoaki Maeno
Helios (voice)
Kei Shindo
Madoka Amano (voice)
Aki Kanada
Ginga Hagane (voice)

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