Action Animation
In the previous story, Yoji and Kei rescued Anna, their adoptive mother. Now, they are once again using the Fastening Machine with Oscar, the bear robot, to solve any problems the town is facing. One day, however, a mysterious hero makes her appearance. And she happens to have the same Fastening Machine as Yoji and Kei. Who is this she? Why did she appear? Just then, a big problem hits this peaceful town! Will these small heroes be able to save the town from a crisis? This is a near-futuristic action anime taken to the next level! Don't miss it!
Directed by
Hiroyasu Ishida
Ryoko Shiraishi
Kei (voice)
Junko Takeuchi
OL (voice)
Fuyuka Ono
Yoji (voice)
Akemi Kanda
Kelly (voice)
Tomohisa Aso
George (voice)
Masaaki Ihara
Kelly's Father (voice)
Aki Kanada
Sales Clerk A (voice)
Miyuki Satou
Sales Clerk B (voice)
Takuya Masumoto
Sailor B (voice)
Shugo Nakamura
Pizza Delivery Boy (voice)
Sonosuke Hattori
Sailor A (voice)

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