Animation Drama
Hina Satou is a 13-year-old who loves figure skating and lives in a port town in Miyagi Prefecture. After losing her mother in the 2011 earthquake, she and her father are currently living in temporary housing. With sad memories of the earthquake and memories of a gentle mother, the cheerful Hina continues to move toward her dreams.
Directed by
Shouji Saeki
Kiyono Yasuno
Hina Sato (voice)
Mitsuaki Hoshino
Hina's Father (voice)
Tarou Kiuchi
Fisherman A (voice)
Miho Arakawa
Hina's Mother (voice)
Rico Sasaki
Michiru (voice)
Masaaki Yano
Michiru's Father (voice)
Sanae Fuku
Rena (voice)
Kumiko Nakane
Coach (voice)
Haruka Itou
Chisaki (voice)
Runa Onodera
Anzu (voice)

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