Drama History Adventure TV Movie
The traveler who never leaves his cabinet – that’s what his contemporaries used to call Jules Verne. He was a person with an extraordinary lust for life whose fantasy had no limits, he literally taught us how to dream. Which of us did not aspire of circling the world with Phileas Fogg and Jean Passepartout? Who hasn’t dreamt of roaming the sea with captain Nemo on his quest for vengeance? This film is yet another piece from the series “Great Dreamers” which already includes some of the most well-known visionaries such as Nicola Tesla (“Free Energy of Tesla”) and Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (“Tsiolkovsky’s Worlds of Miracle”). By having utilized advanced CGI technologies we were able to recreate the life of outstanding persons, pioneers and path breakers in science and research.
Directed by
Mikhail Kostrov
Valeriy Velichko
Alexandre Dumas Jr.
Yuris Tete
waiter in the salon
Lidiya Semesyuk
Jules Verne's daughter (adult) #1
Nikita Brusnitsin
Jules Verne's grandson
Roman Skorbnikov
Jules Verne
Svyatoslav Fehtel
Halyna Yanishevska
Dimitriy Maevskiy
Jules Verne - in his childhood
Sergey Homenko
Jules Verne's father
Aleksandr Pilipchuk
Konstantin Kostyuk
fellow student
Oleh Shushpannikov
Alexandre Dumas
Nikolai Zhila
Natalya Melay
Jules Verne's mother
Vitaliy Lazarenko
Stepan Sizov
Elena Vakhrameeva
girl in salon - #1
Marina Ryabukha
girl in salon - #2
Viktor Vityuk
correspondent #1
Volodymyr Tyahvey
correspondent #2
Vitaly Derevyanchuk
Nataliya Cherednyuk
Jules Verne's daughter (adult) #2
Aleksandr Mikitenko
Captain #1
Anatoliy Neznaiko
Captain #2
Ruslan Kolchin
Boy - newspaper seller
Anton Mikhailyuk
Boy outside store #1
Artyom Vagabov
Boy outside store #2
Sergey Nikolaev
cashier in catacombs

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