Romance Drama
Ana (Manuela Campagna) is a 17-year-old girl who lives in a border town between Brazil and Argentina. There, she has no leisure options and no internet access. Your only refuge is to visit a tallow / lanhouse known as "The Cave". It is there that, one day, she ends up meeting Murilo (Fagundes Emanuel), the boy she will fall in love with.
Directed by
Marcia Paraiso
Written by
Ralf Tambke, Glauco Broering, Marcia Paraiso
Elke Maravilha
Antonio Saboia
Ana Cecília Costa
Jean Pierre Noher
Dea Busato
Manuela Campagna
Chico Caprario
Avito Correa
Fagundes Emanuel
Mitzi Evelyn
Raquel Stüpp

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