Horror Thriller
As midnight falls, all manner of terror invades the Earth. Demons, cannibals, killers, ghosts and monsters swarm the world in these tales of the supernatural, the fantastic, and the just plain horrific. Featuring nine stories of horror.
Directed by
Marc Martínez Jordán, Francisco Sonic Kim, Kevin McTurk, Robert Boocheck, James Moran, Christian Rivers, Sid Zanforlin, Lee Cronin, Ryan Lightbourn
Written by
Marc Martínez Jordán, Chris Bavota, Guy McDouall, Robert Boocheck, Collin George, Ryan Murphy, James Moran, Sid Zanforlin, Lee Cronin, Ryan Lightbourn
Piotr Michael
Harrison Grimshaw (segment 'The Mill At Calder's End')
Jason Flemyng
Nicholas Grimshaw (segment 'The Mill At Calder's End')
Owen McDonnell
Michael (segment 'Ghost Train')
Arthur Darvill
Charlie (segment: Crazy For You)
Mika Boorem
Caylie (segment 'Awake')
Barbara Steele
The Apparition of the Mill (segment 'The Mill At Calder's End')
Steve Wall
Peter (segment 'Ghost Train')
Héctor Perera
GEO 1 (segment: Timothy")
David Stotz
GEO 2 (segment: "Timothy")
Matthew Dillon
Young Michael (segment Ghost Train)
Hag Gibbs-McNeil
Young Charlie (segment Crazy for You)
Sean Gormley
Young Peter (segment 'Ghost Train')

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