Sci-Fi Drama Adventure
Following the Doctor's regeneration into a new, younger body, the TARDIS lands at an Earth colony on the planet Vulcan in the far future. Mistaken for an official Earth Examiner, the Doctor discovers that a scientist called Lesterson is attempting to reactivate two inanimate, subservient Daleks found in a crashed space rocket. The colonists refuse to heed the Doctor's dire warnings that the Daleks are dangerous.
Directed by
Christopher Barry
Written by
David Whitaker
Patrick Troughton
Dr. Who
Anneke Wills
Bernard Archard
Head of Security Bragen
Michael Craze
Ben Jackson
Robert James
Peter Hawkins
Daleks (voice)
Nicholas Hawtrey
Deputy Governor Quinn
Martin King
The Examiner
Pamela Ann Davy
Peter Bathurst
Governor Hensell
Edward Kelsey
Richard Kane

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