Drama Comedy Romance TV Movie
Six years after saying "I do," Olive and Clay call it quits. Although they split amicably, both want custody of their beloved dog Wesley and they end up in court. With everything at stake, can man's best friend find a way to reunite the couple?
Directed by
Huck Botko
Alicia Silverstone
Olive Greene
Randall Batinkoff
Glenn Hannon
Lorena Diaz
Annalise Day
Rachel Cerda
Ryan Kwanten
Clay Lonnergan
Tony Domino
Pedestrian (uncredited)
Suzy Brack
Festival Organizer (uncredited)
Felicia Fields
Judge Hutcheon
Christopher Kahler
Festival Attendee (uncredited)
Danny Rhodes
Matty Ryan
Dexter Zollicoffer
Amy J. Carle
Dr. Wendy
Michele Sweeney Abrams
Nurse Reed (uncredited)
Patrick Zielinski
Squatter Leader
Devin Bethea
Paul Rawson
Glen Hannon
Maury Cooper
Danielle Puterbaugh
Bill Gardner
Hockey Announcer (voice)
Jason Shaver
Hockey Announcer (voice)
J. Anthony Kopec
Divorce Attorney (uncredited)
Asta Razma
Attorney (uncredited)
Chris P. Demetriou
Court Baliff (uncredited)
Aaron Blake
EMT (uncredited)
Lamar Curtis
Doctor (uncredited)
Debbi Burns
Nurse (uncredited)
Christine A. Donnelly
Festival Attendee (uncredited)
Emer Gomez
Festival Attendee (uncredited)
Lindsay Teske
Festival Attendee (uncredited)
Jack Meredith

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