Animation Family Sci-Fi
Barbie is a cosmic princess who flies high on her hoverboard through a far-off universe with her adorable and devoted pet sidekick, Pupcorn. One day, everything changes when the twinkling stars start to dim and slow their dance in the sky. Barbie travels to a beautiful new planet to join a special rescue team on a mission to save the stars. Once there, she teams up with a group of talented new friends who work together to save the galaxy through exciting hoverboarding adventures. Barbie soon discovers that if she listens to her heart, and with the help of her friends, she might be the leader the whole universe has been waiting for!
Directed by
Michael Goguen, Andrew Tan
Written by
Kacey Arnold
Dwight Schultz
Constantine (voice)
Ben Bledsoe
Artemis (voice)
Kimberly Woods
Sal-Lee (voice)
Erica Lindbeck
Barbie (voice)
Jonathan Lipow
Starlian (voice)
Michael Chandler
Dad (voice)
Lucien Dodge
Pupcorn (voice)
Laura Post
Narrator (voice)
Robbie Daymond
Leo (voice)
Sarah Anne Williams
Sheena / Kareena / Sprites (voice)

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