Romance Drama
Based on the bestselling series of short stories by renowned Chinese writer Zhang Jiajia, I Belonged To You is a touching romantic tale revolving around two radio disc jockeys and the world they inhabit. They find the audience they reach reflects their own love and heartbreak, and forces them to deal with issues larger than just their own lives.
Directed by
Zhang Yibai
Written by
Zhang Jiajia
Yang Yang
Mao Shiba
Zhang Tian'ai
Yao Ji
Bai Baihe
Li Zhi
Liu Yan
Yan Zi
Deng Chao
Chen Mo
Yue Yunpeng
Zhu Tou
Du Juan
Xiao Rong
Zhang Aiqin
Liang Chao
Lao Chen
Zhu Hong
Wedding girl
Liu Zi Yi
Mei'e Zhang
Aunt Zhao

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