The movie based upon the classical Slovene novel Martin Kačur, depicts the clash between the teacher Martin Kačur and his conservative environment. Due to his progressive ideas, he is transferred to a small town. The village environment is even more depressing than his former surroundings were, as the influence of both the secular and the Church authorities is even greater in the country. Even though Martin meets Tončka and the two of them get married, he gradually becomes a disillusioned and embittered man. In time, when society's strictures become somewhat milder, Martin is transferred to a more friendly environment, but all the injustices he has experienced have already bitten too deep. Unlike his wife, Martin finds it very difficult to accept changes. When his son dies, it seems as though he has lost all his elan and the will to live. Will he be able to go on bringing the light of knowledge to the ignorant masses, or will his ideals be buried forever like a man in a snowdrift?
Directed by
Igor Pretnar
Written by
Igor Pretnar, Vitomil Zupan
Milena Zupančič
Radko Polič
Martin Kačur
Bert Sotlar
Mayor from Blatni Dol
Stevo Žigon
Priest from Zapolje
Arnold Tovornik
Priest from Blatni Dol
Dare Ulaga
Janez Albreht
Maks Furijan
Boris Kralj
Mila Kacic
Marjeta Gregorač
Janez Bermez
Maks Bajc
Marija Benko
Janez Rohaček
Teacher from Zapolje
Tomaž Pipan
Lojze Sadar
Aleksander Krošl
Dare Valič
Tone Kuntner
Vinko Podgoršek
Janez Eržen
Jure Kavšek
Vladimir Jurc
Zvone Agrež
Maja Boh-Hočevar
Ruša Bojc
Francek Drofenik
Stanislava Bonisegna
Jozko Lukeš

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