Fantasy Action Adventure
A story of a legendary battle, where seventeen fearless warriors defend their land against an army of thousands well-trained soldiers. In 13th-century Mongol warrior hordes and their leader, Batu Khan, control most of the known world. As the Mongols move towards Europe they invade the last Russian principality standing in their way. Little do they know, their plans are about to be ruined by a small detachment of heroic strong men led by a mysterious brave warrior. This is a story about courage, endurance and self-sacrifice for the sake of one's country. This is the story of Evpaty the Furious.
Directed by
Ivan Shurkhovetskiy, Dzhanik Fayziev
Written by
Sergey Yudakov, Dmitriy Raevskiy, Dmitriy Paltsev, Evgeniy Raevskiy
Marta Timofeeva
Aleksey Serebryakov
Knyaz Yutiy
Mariya Fomina
Yuliya Khlynina
Valeriya Shkirando
Viktor Proskurin
Andrey Burkovskiy
Ilya Antonenko
Nikolay Shrayber
Fyodor Lavrov
Igor Savochkin
Aleksandr Ilyin Jr
Olga Drozdova
Aleksandr Ilin
Knyaz Svyatoslav
Anton Shpinkov
Aleksey Vertkov
Alexandr Tsema
Polina Chernyshova
Timofey Tribuntsev
Artyom Gaydukov
Artemiy Padalka
Vladimir Lyubimtsev
Georgi Pitskhelauri
Sergey Koltakov
Denis Sladkov
Serj Tankian
Andrey Sviridov
Arseniy Sidorov
Evgeniy Bogorodskiy
Semyon Morozov
Aleksandr Tsoy
Khan Batiy
Alexandr Kononets
Ilya Malakov
Evpatii Kolovrat
Dariya Yartseva
Princess Darya
David Melkonyan
Kolovrat in childhood
Zhaidarbek Kunguzhinov
Kirill Snegiryov
Evgeny Kononov
Daulet Abdygaporov
Marina Kolomina
Vladimir Ivaniy
Matvey Sivakovsky
Gennadiy Solovyov
Artyom Bordovskiy
Vasilisa Savkina
Manas Dzhanyshev
Ilya Kuvshinov

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