Drama Horror TV Movie
Maria is somewhat of a rebel and problem child. Her mother died and her father remarried some awful lady, and Maria isn't happy at all. She takes a drug overdose and winds up in a home for other girls with problems, but the two women who run the place turn out to be not quite the ladies they seemed. Maria knows she can't stay there very long, and starts planning her escape.
Directed by
Kristín Jóhannesdóttir
Ingvar E. Sigurðsson
Elva Ósk Ólafsdóttir
Helgi Skúlason
Helga Braga Jónsdóttir
Björn Ingi Hilmarsson
Pétur Einarsson
Margrét Ákadóttir
Margrét Guðmundsdóttir
Björn Baldvinsson
Bára Lyngdal Magnúsdóttir
Christine Carr
Edda Arnljótsdóttir
Eggert Arnar Kaaber
Erling Jóhannesson
Harpa Arnardóttir
Hilmar Jónsson
Ingrid Jónsdóttir
Katarina Nolsöe
Kolbrún Halldórsdóttir
Nína Björk Árnadóttir
Ólafur Guðmundsson
Sigurþór Albert Heimisson
Steinn Ármann Magnússon
Steinunn Ólafsdóttir
Vilborg Halldórsdóttir
Þórdís Arnljótsdóttir

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