Romance Drama Fantasy Mystery
On the same day, Andrei's wife Nina asks for a divorce, his colleague Natasha tells him she's attracted to him, he's assigned a new project under the direction of Philip (a well-dressed, authoritative, and even arrogant stranger who keeps touching him), and he fights a gang of homophobes to protect a young gay man, Oleg. The next day, Philip takes Andrei away from the office on an odyssey into a space that is charged with spirituality and homoeroticism. Philip is no businessman, and the disclosure of who he really is forces Andrei into a series of choices that involve Natasha, Nina, belief, and love.
Directed by
Yury Pavlov
Written by
Vladimir Maslov, Vitaly Moskalenko
Ilya Shakunov
Aleksandr Strizhenov
Valery Kravchenko
Irina Metlitskaya
Yuriy Ovsyanko
Boris Khvoshnyanskiy
Saulius Balandis
Anzhelika Nevolina
Boris Repetur
Sergey Vinogradov

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