Drama Mystery Thriller
Fourteen-year-old Charlie's life changes when Jasper takes his help to dispose of the body of his girlfriend, Laura. He decides to look for the murderer and falls in love with Laura's younger sister.
Directed by
Rachel Perkins
Toni Collette
Ruth Bucktin
Hugo Weaving
Mad Jack Lionel
Levi Miller
Charlie Bucktin
Angourie Rice
Eliza Wishart
Matt Nable
Cooper van Grootel
Myles Pollard
Pete Wishart
Gabrielle Chan
Kim Lu
Wilson Moore
Warwick Trent
Kevin Long
Jeffrey Lu
Ferdinand Hoang
An Lu
Dan Wyllie
Wes Bucktin
Luke Hewitt
Aaron L. McGrath
Jasper Jones
Susan Prior
Gwyn Wishart
David T. Cowell
Sam Longley
Detective Galbraith
Igor Sas
Howard Daglish
Nandalie Campbell Killick
Laura Wishart

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