Drama TV Movie
Killing Reagan explores the events surrounding the assassination attempt on president Ronald Reagan by John Hinckley Jr. Based on the best-selling book, the film begins in the final months leading up to the 1980 presidential election, and explores the challenges Reagan faced to define himself as a leader. Meanwhile, an aimless and deranged Hinckley is unraveling, leading to the fateful day in March 1981 when these disparate figures collided.
Directed by
Rod Lurie
Tim Matheson
Ronald Reagan
Patrick St. Esprit
Alexander Haig
Cynthia Nixon
Nancy Reagan
Geoff Pierson
James Baker
Joel Murray
Edwin Meese
Dane Rhodes
Richard Allen
Mike Pniewski
Jack Hinckley
Gary Weeks
Stephen Colo
Sue Cremin
Nurse Wendy Koenig
Bill Winkler
Casper Weinberger
Rebecca Tilney
Jo Ann Hinckley
Joe Chrest
Jerry Parr
Kyle S. More
John Hinckley Jr
Kendrick Cross
Danny Spriggs
Tom Hillmann
Dr Joseph Giordano
Ashley LeConte Campbell
Jim Baker's Secretary
Leander Suleiman
Dr. Joyce Mitchell
Michael H. Cole
Jim Brady
Kristen Shaw
Cheryl Chris
Jim Dougherty
Judge William Higgins
Bill O'Reilly
Dustin Lewis
Ted Graber
Jason Vail
Dennis McCarthy
Brian F. Durkin
Detective Eddie Myers
Dave MacDonald
Tim McCarthy
Amber Erwin
Trey McGriff
David C Fischer
Annie Humphrey
Sarah Brady
James Martin Kelly
Don Regan
Kay Galvin
Margaret Thatcher
Chris Hlozek
Robert Wanko
Glenn Walkup
Senator David Gergin
Hunter McGregor
Larry Speakes
Stan Kelly
William French Smith
Jim Braswell
Dr Manfred Lichtman
Anthony Collins
Dr. F Fagan

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