Drama War
The year is 1940 and Pilot Officer T.B. Baird arrives straight out of flight school to join a front line RAF squadron at the height of the Battle of Britain. After an unfortunate start and a drumming down from his commanding officer, Baird must balance the struggle to impress his Group Captain, regain his pride, fit in with his fellow pilots, and survive one of the most intense air battles in history.
Directed by
George More O'Ferrall
Written by
Derek N. Twist
Victor Harrington
Airman in Officers Club (Uncredited)
Jack Hawkins
Group Captain 'Tiger' Small
Geoffrey Keen
Company Sergeant Major
John Sharp
Victor Maddern
Terence Longdon
Falk, Pimpernel Pilot
Joan Hickson
Housekeeper (Uncredited)
Vida Hope
Ewan Roberts
Medical Officer
Marianne Stone
Ronald Adam
Group Controller
Peter Jones
Sam Kydd
Mess Waiter
Russell Hunter
Pimpernel Pilot
Ambrosine Phillpotts
Mrs. Falk (Uncredited)
Dulcie Gray
Nadine Clinton
John Phillips
Engineer Officer
Michael Denison
Squadron Leader Peter Moon
Russell Waters
John Gregson
Pilot Officer T.B. 'Septic' Baird
Harold Goodwin
A.C. 2 Wailes
John Harvey
Station Warrant Officer
Colin Tapley
Harry Locke
Look Out
Freda Bamford
Humphrey Lestocq
Flight Lieutenant 'Batchy' Salter
Cyril Raymond
Squadron Leader Barry Clinton
Harry Fowler
Neil Wilson
Army Liaison Officer
Ann Lancaster
Veronica Hurst
Betty Carfax
Philip Stainton
Police Constable
Amy Veness
Aunt Tabitha
Andrew Osborn
Squadron Leader Bill Ponsford
Norman Pierce
John Barry
Jacko, Pimpernel Pilot
Richard Dunn
Pimpernel Pilot
Elwyn Daniel
Pimpernel Pilot
Richard Levin
Pimpernel Pilot
Donald McLisky
Pimpernel Pilot
Bryn Roberts
Pimpernel Pilot
Harold Siddons
Mortimer, Pimpernel Pilot
Anthony Moore
Squadron Leader Marlow
Gordon Bell
Ops. B.
W. Thorp Deverreux
Rosemary Lomax
Ops. A.
Gillian Maude
Vari Falconer
Karen Grayson
Joan Sterndale-Bennett
Helen Stirling
Wendy Remington
Hugh Moxey
Intelligence Officer
Warwick Ashton
Airman in Ops Room (Uncredited)
Jack Dearlove
Flight Controller (Uncredited)
Otto Friese
Mess Waiter (Uncredited)
Joe Phelps
Casey (Uncredited)
Harold Sanderson
Guard with Wailes (Uncredited)
John Wilder
Airman (Uncredited)

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