Comedy Drama Romance TV Movie
A beautiful Cuban-American lawyer is caught in the greatest dilemma of her life stay with Ariel, her Cuban-American husband who is eager to start a family at any cost or reignite a past love with Luther, the romance of her life who unexpectedly returns to try and capture her heart once again. Set against the backdrop of one hot summer in the sultry city of Miami, this romantic comedy examines the lives and loves of Margarita Santos, a contemporary woman and her two best friends (Anabel and Viviana) as they straddle two cultures to navigate through the dilemmas they face to find love and happiness once again.
Directed by
Betty Kaplan
Vanessa Marcil
Margarita Silva Santos
Jon Seda
Ariel Silva
Casper Van Dien
Luther Simmonds
Jacqueline Pinol
Viviana Suarez
Tessie Santiago
Anabel Aguilera
Brian Tester
Ben Curiel
Jonathan Dwayne
Dr. Marcia
Cordelia González
Matilde Santos
Alba Raquel Barros
Elder Lady
Clifford Myatt
Father Pedro Sanchez
Guillermo Valedón
TV Reporter #1
Nancy Millán
Ángel Viera
Tomas Aguilera
Richard Pastush
Judge William McKee
Tommy Kavelin
Elston Weber
Orlando Gonzalez-Rivera
Tió Edwardo
Guillermo de Cun
Señor Garza
David Rittenhouse
Jessica Rodríguez
Carlos Adrián-Albas Castelló
Cristina M. Lynch
Luisa Justiniano
Cuban Matron
Michael J. Morris

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