Animation Comedy
Animation film based in some stories of the better illustrators and humorists of Spain during the democratic transition, on seventies: Chumy Chumez, Perich, Oscar, Ja, Fer, Ivà. They are quotidian stories about love, death, sex and violence.
Directed by
Jordi Amorós
Written by
Miguel Gila, Ramón Tosas 'Ivá', Jaume Perich, Chumy Chúmez
Miguel Gila
Antonio Iranzo
Pepe Mediavilla
María Dolores Gispert
Miguel Ángel Valdivieso
Arseni Corsellas
Chumy Chúmez
Manuel Vázquez
Cojoncio Cabretas
Antonio Gómez de Vicente
Luisita Soler
Carmen Contreras
Francisco Garriga

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