Drama Romance
Holger and Vilde are best of friends, which makes them inseparable. At the start of their summer holidays, they have to split, but they promise each other they’ll re-unite as soon as possible. While on their own, they face different situations, meet new people and thereby they don’t fully realize how much they have changed during their separation...
Directed by
Erik Green Petersson
Written by
Erik Green Petersson
Ebba Hultkvist Stragne
Sanna Krepper
Holger's Mother
Marcus Karlsson
Sara Svedberg
Marika Strand
Vilde's Mother
Sven Angleflod
Vilde's Father
Julia Avenstedt
Vilde's Sister
Mona Lundgren
Holger's Grandmother
Jonna Schwertner
Lina's friend
Ralf Novak Rosengren
Holger's Father

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