Comedy Horror Sci-Fi
Sleepy New Haven California is a small town with a big problem. A sixty foot slithering horror has arrived and shattered the town's tranquillity on it's path of death and destruction... Growing violent and more savage with each attack the gigantic creature soon becomes an unstoppable feeding machine raging beyond control of it's creator, leaving only the stripped bones of it's victims in it's wake.
Directed by
Richard Clabaugh
Frank Welker
The Python (voice)
William Zabka
Greg Larsen
Casper Van Dien
Bart Parker
Robert Englund
Dr. Anton Rudolph
Wil Wheaton
Sean Whalen
Deputy Lewis Ross
Keith Coogan
Jenny McCarthy-Wahlberg
Francesca Garibaldi
Ken Olandt
Gary Grubbs
Sheriff Griffin Wade
Marc McClure
Ed Lauter
Chris Owens
Brian Cooper
John Franklin
Floyd Fuller
Dana Barron
Frayne Rosanoff
John Cooper
Gary Hershberger
Sara Mornell
Kathleen Randazzo
Roberta Keeler
LoriDawn Messuri
Lisa Johnson
Theo Nicholas Pagones
Scott Williamson
Kenny Summers
Trevor Baer
Lisa Michele Jones
NSA Agent
James H. Coburn IV

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