Comedy Romance Drama
Kassie is a smart, fun-loving single woman who, despite her neurotic best friend Wally’s objections, decides it’s time to have a baby – even if it means doing it herself… with a little help from a charming sperm donor. But, unbeknownst to her, Kassie’s plans go awry because of a last-minute switch that isn’t discovered until seven years later… when Wally gets acquainted with Kassie’s cute, though slightly neurotic, son.
Directed by
Will Speck, Josh Gordon
Jason Bateman
Wally Mars
Jennifer Aniston
Kassie Larson
Patrick Wilson
Jeff Goldblum
Juliette Lewis
Caroline Dhavernas
Scott Elrod
Todd Louiso
Kelli Barrett
Roland's Wife Jessica
Jason Jones
Climbing Wall Guide
Thomas Robinson
Amanda Barron
Roland's Sister (uncredited)
Brooke Hoover
Pig Nose Woman (uncredited)
Michael Bloomberg
Bryce Robinson
Older Sebastian
Edward James Hyland
Man in Theater
Rebecca Naomi Jones
Party Guest
Will Swenson
Actor on Stage
Diane Sawyer
Stephanie Domini
Kassie's friend (uncredited)
Victor Pagan
Knit Hat Guy
Brian Podnos
Carmen M. Herlihy
Woman on Bus
Lily Pilblad
Girl at Pizzeria

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