Fantasy Drama TV Movie
Adapted from Charles O'Neal's 1949 book, this follows the lighthearted adventures of a late 19th Century young man named Jamie McGrew, the three wishes granted to him in a dream by a fairy queen, and the unusual way they come true. His first is for travel (he goes from Ireland to a life of horse trading in Georgia); his second, to marry the girl of his dreams; the third, a son with the gift of poetry and the ability to speak in the ancient Gaelic tongue.
Directed by
Robert Young
Written by
Lawrence Roman
Jack Warden
Owen Tavish
Ed Bishop
Frank Melia
Shanahan Brother
Stuart Milligan
Big Tom
Peter Marinker
Standish Bunn
Fintan McKeown
Priest / Narrator
Steve Ryan
Shanahan Brother
Bruce Boa
Sheriff Jack Haynes
David Healy
Father Kerry
Barry Lynch
Dennis McGrew
Stevan Rimkus
Jamie McGrew
Billy J. Mitchell
Floyd Talbot
Frank O'Sullivan
Shanahan Brother
Anna Livia Ryan
Maeve Harrigan
Benjie Lawrence
Kevin Shiel Callahan McGrew
Liam O'Callaghan
Shiel Harrigan
Derry Power
Dan McGrew
Marie Conmee
Aunt Bid
Gillian Hackett
Kate McGrew
Fiona MacAnna
Tess Shanahan
Catherine Roman
Dan Foley
Tim Shanahan
Pat Roche
James Bartley
Shanahan Brother
Derek Halligan
Shanahan Brother
Roman Wilmot
Paddy O'Dowd
Niall MacAnna
Waddie O'Dowd
Paddy Moloney

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