Animation Drama Romance
Tatsuya Uesugi is the twin brother of Kazuya, pitcher of the Meisei High School baseball team. Irresolute about his feelings towards baseball, his next door neighbor, and his brother; Tatsuya ends up joining his school's boxing club. From the sidelines, he quietly watches the ascension of Kazuya.
Directed by
Gisaburō Sugii
Hiromi Tsuru
Sachiko Nishio (voice)
Banjo Ginga
Shouhei Harada (voice)
Noriko Hidaka
Minami Asakura (voice)
Kaneto Shiozawa
Takeshi Kuroki (voice)
Yuji Mitsuya
Tatsuya Uesugi (voice)
Keiichi Nanba
Kazuya Uesugi (voice)
Hayashiya Shōzō IX
Koutarou Matsudaira (voice)
Eugene Harada

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