Animation Family Comedy
Cody, Chicken Joe and Lani are back in their most epic adventure yet! The most radical surfing dream team, The Hang Five puts Cody and his friends to the test and teaches them the meaning of teamwork as they journey to the most legendary surfing spot on the planet.
Directed by
Henry Yu
Written by
Abdul Williams
John Cena
J.C. (voice)
Diedrich Bader
Tank 'The Shredder' Evans (voice)
Paul Lévesque
Hunter (voice)
Jon Heder
Chicken Joe (voice)
Mark Calaway
Undertaker (voice)
Jeremy Shada
Cody Maverick (voice)
Saraya-Jade Bevis
Paige (voice)
Melissa Sturm
Lani Aliikai (voice)
Michael Coulthard
Seagull (voice)
David Levy
Shane Miles

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