Comedy Drama
Would-be writer Ryunosuke Chagawa is still living across the street from Norifumi Suzuki and his auto repair shop, though now he shares his home with Junnosuke, an orphan he's taken under his wing at the urging of pretty Hiroi, who continues to manage a nearby tavern. Chagawa dreams of publishing a successful novel and settling down with Hiroi and Junnosuke, but his day job running the candy store keeps him busy, and Hiroi mistakes his tight schedule for a lack of interest in her. Hiroi has also embarked on a secret career as a burlesque dancer, which isn't doing much to improve her opinion of men. At the Suzuki household, seven-year-old Ippei isn't happy to be sharing the house with a guest, his distant cousin Mika who is the same age but far more demanding. Mutsuko, the apprentice female auto mechanic, is still staying with the Suzukis, and she's becomes the object of the affections of Takeo, a downbeat young man who is studying cooking.
Directed by
Takashi Yamazaki
Shinichi Tsutsumi
Norifumi Suzuki
Satomi Tezuka
Shihori Kanjiya
Kazue Fukiishi
Yamamura the teacher
Fumiyo Kohinata
Yasunari Kawabuchi
Maki Horikita
Mutsuko Hoshino
Hiroko Yakushimaru
Tomoe Suzuki
Kenta Suga
Junnosuke Furuyuki
Hidetaka Yoshioka
Ryunosuke Chagawa
Tomokazu Miura
Dr. Takuma
Hiromi Ishizaki
Toru Nomaguchi
Ikkei Watanabe
Kazuyuki Asano
Shigemitsu Ogi
Kisuke Iida
Hijiri Sakurai
Takaya Kamikawa
Seiji Fukushi
Hiroshi Kanbe
Telegraph clerk
Masako Motai
Kin Ohta
Shizuka Fujimoto
Dancer Chiemi
Kazuki Koshimizu
Ippei Suzuki
Shin'ichi Hatori
Newspaper Reporter
Arata Saeki

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