Action Animation Adventure Crime Sci-Fi
Adam West and Burt Ward returns to their iconic roles of Batman and Robin. The film sees the superheroes going up against classic villains like The Joker, The Riddler, The Penguin and Catwoman, both in Gotham City… and in space.
Directed by
Rick Morales
Adam West
Bruce Wayne / Batman (voice)
Thomas Lennon
Chief O'Hara (voice)
Jim Ward
James Gordon (voice)
Steven Weber
Alfred Pennyworth (voice)
Wally Wingert
Riddler (voice)
Julie Newmar
Catwoman (voice)
Jeff Bergman
Announcer / Joker (voice)
Burt Ward
Dick Grayson / Robin (voice)
Sirena Irwin
Miranda Moore (voice)
William Salyers
Penguin (voice)
Lynne Marie Stewart
Aunt Harriet (voice)

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