Animation Family
Ozzy, a friendly, peaceful beagle has his idyllic life turned upside down when the Martins leave on a long and distant trip. There's only one problem: no dogs allowed! Unable to bring their beloved Ozzy along for the ride, they settle on the next best thing, a top-of-the-line canine spa called Blue Creek.
Directed by
Nacho La Casa, Alberto Rodríguez
Written by
Juan Ramón Ruíz de Somavía
Elsa Pataky
Madden (voice)
Michelle Jenner
Paula (voice)
Pablo Espinosa
Mike (voice)
José Mota
Vito (voice)
Juan Fernández
Decker (voice)
Carlos Areces
Mr. Robbins (voice)
Fernando Tejero
Radar (voice)
Dani Rovira
Fronki (voice)
José Escobosa
Killer (voice)
Roberto Encinas
Gus (voice)
Guillermo Romero
Ozzy (voice)
Luis Bajo
Chester (voice)
Manolo Lama
Commentator #1 / Cook (voice)
Selu Nieto
Dominic (voice)
Lorenzo Beteta
Doc (voice)
Héctor Cantolla
Grunt (voice)
Matías Prats Jr.
Reporter (voice)
Mario Martín Serrano
Flash (voice)
Ricardo Escobar
Eddie (voice)
Fermín Pintos
Tex (voice)
David Hernán
Morris (voice)

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