Mystery Thriller Horror
In Shirleyville, Vermont, during the sixties, sisters Merricat and Constance, along with their ailing uncle Julian, confined to a wheelchair, live isolated in a big mansion located on the hill overlooking the town, tormented by the memories of a family tragedy occurred six years ago. The arrival of cousin Charles will threaten the fragile equilibrium of their minds, haunted by madness, fear and superstition.
Directed by
Stacie Passon
Alexandra Daddario
Constance Blackwood
Sebastian Stan
Charles Blackwood
Taissa Farmiga
Merricat Blackwood
Maria Doyle Kennedy
Mrs. Blackwood
Michael Douglas
Crispin Glover
Uncle Julian Blackwood
Paula Malcomson
Helen Clarke
Peter O'Meara
Sam Clarke
Peter Coonan
Bobby Dunham
Cormac Melia
Tim Harris
Stephen Hogan
John Blackwood
Bosco Hogan
Old Ned
Joanne Crawford
Anna Nugent
Lucille Wright
Ian Toner
Jim Donnell
Luan James Geary
Sean Harris
Liz O'Sullivan
Mrs. Harris

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