Action Adventure Sci-Fi Horror
Bent on the destruction of the human race, the secret underground organization Shocker secretly planned to plunge the world into chaos. But they didn’t count on the revolt of both of their experimentally “reconstructed” human beings, the Kamen Riders. Two years after their first battle with Shocker, a 3rd Rider arises to confront them, known only as “Version 3.” The arrival of the third Kamen Rider will hurl the heroes into their most terrible battle yet and the fate of the world hangs in the balance.
Directed by
Ryuta Tasaki
Written by
Toshiki Inoue
Tomorowo Taguchi
Scissors Jaguar
Shinji Rokkaku
Kazuki Kato
Shiro Kazami / Kamen Rider V3
Rie Mashiko
Chainsaw Lizard
Erika Mori
Chiharu Kazami
Kyūsaku Shimada
Hassei Takano
Hayato Ichimonji / Kamen Rider #2
Yousuke Saito
Masaya Kikawada
Takeshi Hongo / Kamen Rider #1
Miku Ishida
Kotomi Kikuma

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