Adventure Animation Action
The hit TV series boldy goes bigger in an action-packed comedy/adventure starring everyone's favorite luchadoras! When the greatest evil the world has ever knows -El Malefico -surfaces from the dark recesses of Earth, it's up to Rikochet, Buena Girl & The Flea to mask-wrestle him back! Their challenge begins with a quest around the globe for the artifacts of bueno-ness & ends in Las Vegas
Directed by
Ron Hughart
Written by
Benjamin Townsend, Michael Ryan
Tim Curry
El Maléfico (voice)
Carlos Alazraqui
Rikochet / Mr. Midcarda / Slurf - El Maléfico's Henchmen (voice)
Hector Elizondo
Narrator / Ring Announcer (voice)
Penn Jillette
Fortune Teller / Pawn Shop Owner / Ticket Man (voice)
Benito Martinez
Lonestar / Don Reyes (voice)
Brian Drummond
El Evil Cheese Grande / Buena Dad (voice)
Kimberly Brooks
Buena Girl / Snow Pea (voice)
Tabitha St. Germain
Female Vegas Singer / Duchess / Bride / Tourist Gal (voice)
Candi Milo
The Flea / Rikochet's Mama / Headmistress (voice)
Jess Harnell
Don Cerebro / Vegas Lounge Singer (voice)
Garry Chalk
Tibor the Terrible / El Haystack Grande (voice)
Scott McNeil
Vegas Performer / Minotoro / Señor Hasbeena (voice)
Lee Tockar
El Loco Mosquito (voice)
Kathleen Barr
Queen Voladora / Mrs. Flea / Disco Woman / Buena Mom (voice)
Terry Klassen
Rikochet's Abuelito / Cab Driver (voice)
Colin Murdock
Mr. Flea / Tourist Guy (voice)

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