Comedy Drama
Morgan Leafy is a secretary to the British High Commissioner to an Africa nation. Leafy is a man that makes himself useful to his boss, the snobbish Arthur Fanshawe, who has no clue about what's going on around him, but who wants to use his secretary to carry on his dirty work, which involves getting one of the most powerful men in the country to do business with his country.The young secretary has an eye for beautiful women around him, especially Hazel, a native beauty, with whom he is having an affair. Things get complicated because Sam Adekunle, a man running for president of the country, wants a favor from Leafy in return after he has accepted the invitation to visit London. The proposition involves swaying a prominent doctor's opposition to a plan that will make Adenkule filthy rich.
Directed by
Bruce Beresford
Written by
William Boyd
John Lithgow
Arthur Fanshawe, British High Commissioner
Sean Connery
Dr. Alex Murray
Diana Rigg
Chloe Fanshawe
Joanne Whalley
Celia Adekunle
Louis Gossett Jr.
Prof. Sam Adekunle
Colin Friels
Morgan Leafy, 1st Secretary of the High Commissioner
Jeremy Crutchley
Dickie Dalmire
Maynard Eziashi
Friday, Leafy's Houseman
Sarah-Jane Fenton
Priscilla Fanshawe
Jackie Mofokeng
Hazel, Leafy's Mistress
Daphne Greenwood
Themba Ndaba
David Phetoe

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