Crime Drama
A thriller loosely based on one of the most violent Czech criminal cases of the nineties, popularly known as the Orlík murders. The film delves into the motivation behind the killings, exposing their exceptional cruelty and an absolute absence of moral values. The perpetrators executed four people on their way to achieving material gain. Two of the bodies were found at the bottom of Orlík reservoir, the third perished in a bomb blast, and the forth was shot at home...
Directed by
Jiří Svoboda
Daniel Margolius
Ivan Urbánek
Lucie Benešová
Petr Motloch
Michal Dlouhý
Karel Hrubes
Alice Bendová
Ivo Novák
Lukáš Hlavica
Jana Malá
Jan Dolanský
Ludvík Krízek
Zuzana Kocúriková
Jan Vondráček
Richard Krajčo
Igor Chvalkovsky
Luboš Veselý
Radek Brůna
Pavel Řezníček
Tomáš Racek
Stanislav Hybler
Jiří Kodeš
Jiří Zeman
Dušan Urban
Petr Hanus
Věra Víchová
Andrea Kulasová
Dušan Škubal

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