Drama Romance
In the winter of 1938, Paris is crowded with refugees from the Nazis, who live in the black shadows of night, trying to evade deportation. One such is Dr. Ravic, who practices medicine illegally and stalks his old Nazi enemy Haake with murder in mind. One rainy night, Ravic meets Joan Madou, a kept woman cast adrift by her lover's sudden death. Against Ravic's better judgment, they become involved in a doomed affair.
Directed by
Lewis Milestone
Charles Boyer
Dr. Ravic
Irene Ryan
Irate Wife (uncredited)
Byron Foulger
Policeman at Accident (uncredited)
Ingrid Bergman
Joan Madou
William Conrad
Policeman at Accident (uncredited)
Bess Flowers
Gambler at Roulette Table (uncredited)
Curt Bois
Tattooed Waiter
Ruth Nelson
Madame Fessier
Charles Laughton
Ivon Haake
Louis Calhern
Boris Morosov
Stephen Bekassy
Ruth Warrick
Kate Bergstroem
Art Smith
Manuel París
Bartender (uncredited)
Gino Corrado
Sommelier (uncredited)
Roman Bohnen
Dr. Veber
J. Edward Bromberg
Verdun Hotel Manager
Michael Romanoff
Captain Alidze
Fay Wall
Clarisse (uncredited)
William Yetter Sr.
Gestapo Agent (uncredited)

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