Animation Comedy Romance
Rokuro, a penniless student living in a run-down apartment, gets a surprise visit by the beautiful and quite mysterious Mamiya Yu. For some reason she has hopelessly fallen for this no-good pervert. As it turns out she is actually the daughter of a very wealthy Japanese family. Considering Rokuro's background, he cannot believe his luck... but not all is as it seems. This rich family seems to be a lot more perverted than even Rokuro could have imagined...
Directed by
Osamu Uemura
Written by
Hikaru Yuzuki
Urara Takano
Yusaku Yara
Seiichi Mamiya
Junko Hori
Chiyo Mamiya
Naoko Matsui
Yuno Mamiya
Ryo Horikawa
Rokurou Chikanaka
Masako Ikeda
Sakurako Mamiya

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