Family Animation Fantasy Horror
After visiting his father in Arkham Sanitarium, young Howard Lovecraft accidentally uses the legendary Necronomicon to open a portal to a strange frozen world filled with horrifying creatures and a great adventure.
Directed by
Sean Patrick O'Reilly
Written by
Renzo Podesta, Dwight MacPherson, Sean Patrick O'Reilly, H.P. Lovecraft, Bruce Brown
Ron Perlman
Shoggoth (voice)
Christopher Plummer
Dr. West (voice)
Doug Bradley
The Envoy (Nyarlathotep) (voice)
Scott McNeil
Ice Govlin 'Barry' / Govlins (voice)
Jane Curtin
Algid Bunk (voice)
Tyler Nicol
Winfield Lovecraft (voice)
Alison Wandzura
Mary Lovecraft (voice)
Kiefer O'Reilly
Howard Lovecraft / Davik (voice)
Michelle O'Reilly
Sarah Lovecraft (voice)
Summer O'Reilly
Gotha (voice)
Phoenix O'Reilly
Twi'i (voice)
Harmony O'Reilly
Innes (voice)
Gary Yuen

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