Drama Romance War
Carl Behrend, son of a wealthy businessman, marries Pauli Arndt, daughter of a pacifist professor. When World War I breaks out, Carl is drafted. Pauli and her family and friends are left behind to experience the suffering which befell civilians during the war. Her luck worsens when her father is dismissed from his professorship for teaching that war is evil. Her father argues violently with Carl's father, and degradation and despair descend on Pauli and her family as they await Carl's return from the front.
Directed by
Fred Niblo
Written by
Willis Goldbeck, Agnes Christine Johnston, John Colton
Joel McCrea
Extra (uncredited)
Ralph Forbes
Carl Behrend
Lillian Gish
Pauli Arndt
George Fawcett
August Bejremd
Frank Currier
Prof. Arndt
Karl Dane
Fritzi Ridgeway
Mitzi Winkelmann
Louise Emmons
Polly Moran
Betty Jane Graham
Little Girl (uncredited)
Ralph Emerson
Bruce Gordon
John S. Peters
Fritz Winkelmann
Billy Kent Schaefer

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