Animation Action Fantasy
When innocent civilians begin committing unthinkable crimes across Metropolis, Gotham City and beyond, Batman must call upon mystical counterparts to eradicate this demonic threat to the planet; enter Justice League Dark. This team of Dark Arts specialists must unravel the mystery of Earth's supernatural plague and contend with the rising, powerful villainous forces behind the siege—before it's too late for all of mankind.
Directed by
Jay Oliva
Jeremy Davies
Ritchie Simpson (voice)
Fred Tatasciore
Ghast (voice)
Camilla Luddington
Zatanna (voice)
Rosario Dawson
Wonder Woman (voice)
Jerry O'Connell
Superman (voice)
Alfred Molina
Destiny (voice)
Jason O'Mara
Bruce Wayne / Batman (voice)
Roger Cross
Alec Holland / Swamp Thing / John Stewart / Green Lantern (voice)
Enrico Colantoni
Felix Faust (voice)
JB Blanc
Abnegazar (voice)
Nicholas Turturro
Boston Brand / Deadman (voice)
Matt Ryan
John Constantine (voice)
Colleen O'Shaughnessey
Alba Garcia / Black Orchid (voice)
Ray Chase
Jason Blood / Etrigan (voice)
Laura Post
Business Woman (voice)
Brian T. Delaney
Husband / Shroud Leader (voice)
Jeffrey Vincent Parise
Rath (voice)
Bernie Wrightson

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