Drama Romance
The powerful tales of seven diverse African-American women are woven together in this 1982 performance of Ntozake Shange's Obie Award-winning landmark play. A breakthrough portrayal of black women's experiences in America, the story combines music, poetry and dance to celebrate their unique culture while painting a poignant portrait of their terrible struggles.
Directed by
Oz Scott
Lynn Whitfield
Woman in bath
Alfre Woodard
Woman who lost her stuff
Brent Jennings
First Man at Barbecue
Roger Hill
Second Man at Barbecue
Jack Landron
Bedroom Companion
Sarita Allen
Trazana Beverley
Crystal (as Trazana Beverly)
Laurie Carlos
Gregory T. Daniel
Jackie Davis
Second Man in Subway
Pedro De Pool
Lisa Henley
Charles Johnson
Boy in Subway
Oliver Lake
Flute Player
Crystal Lilly
Carol Maillard
Lu Anne (as Carol L. Maillard)

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