Drama Crime Action
When the Shogunates greatest secret is stolen, the fate of the nation hangs in the balance. The Shogunate sends an incompetent cop, Tanaka, to Kyoto to act as a stalking horse. Hoping the thieves will kill Tanaka and the Ninja Spies will kill the thieves. But what the Shogunate doesn't realise is that Tanaka's even more incompetent assistant Mondo is in fact the leader of a gang of revengers for hire, there motto is "Sure Death" (or your money cheerfully refunded). Mondo doesn't know that everyone knows about the secret, but they all think he does. Poor Mondo, he not only has to deal with crazed Shogunate extremists, oddball ninjas, crooks who work for the Emperor and bicycle riding foreign death squads. He also have to deal with a wife and a crazy mother-in-law!
Directed by
Jo Hirose
Isuzu Yamada
Mikijiro Hira
Makoto Fujita
Nakamura Mondo
Mari Shiraki
Masaki Kyomoto
Kumihimoya no Ryu
Hiroaki Murakami
Hanaya no Masa
Tsurube Shofukutei
Hiroyuki Okita
Toki Shiozawa
Kin Sugai
Sakae Umezu
Sanma Akashiya
Kensaku Morita
Ryūnosuke Kaneda
Ippei Hikaru
Nishi Junnosuke
Toshio Yamauchi
Yoshie Kashiwabara
Kie Nakai
Izumi Ayukawa
Nandemoya no Kayo
Yuki Hyôdô
Junji Takada
Norio Nishikawa
Kent Gilbert
Hitoshi Ōmae
Monta Mino
Narrator (voice)

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