Drama Romance Comedy
Joey was at the age of twenty-two and she was an independent and cheerful girl. She worked in an advertising company and she met a boy named Chiu Kwok Chiao who had just returned from America. Chiu was at the age of twenty-four. He seemed childish, when he met Joey, he fell a victim to her beauty. After a period of time they were in a low spirit because Joey was more intelligent than Chiu. Lui Lai Ho was Joey's mother and she was forty years old.
Directed by
Chen Fang
Written by
Chen Fang
Joey Wong
Joey Ling
Shek Sau
Li Ping
Pau Hei-Ching
Mrs. Ling
Lo Yuen
Joey's boss
Sam Kam
Ng Ha-Ping
Chen Shan Shan
Chin Tsi-Ang
Louis Kong
Chao Kwok Tsin
Gam Kwok-Wai
Tsin's brother
Gary Chow Sai-Hau
Chiang Ye Chen

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